OK, AND NOW the top 10 reasons you might go to ANOTHER photographer: 

# 10 - YouShine offers too much variety and I can't decide. 
# 9 - I want to have them done at a film processing lab, like, you know! 
# 8 - But I like my ZITS, why remove them? 
# 7 - Mom is paying, why should I care if I'm overcharged. 
# 6 - YouShine won't let me wear my plaid shirt with my polka-dot tie. 
# 5 - But I like boring bookshelf backgrounds and fake neon lights. 
# 4 - Mom wants my pictures to look like her senior pictures. 
# 3 - I don't like personal attention! I want to be treated like cattle. 
# 2 - My dad's brother's wife's cousin has a camera, he can do it. 
# 1 - I just can't handle all of that fun!!