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As the incoming tides wipe away our footprints in the sand, ever-passing time erases our memories.
To preserve precious moments, artists of old captured fleeting images from life in various forms, such as raw scratches, paintings on stone or canvases, and even sculptures of stone and metal.
Portrait photographers do the same today, digitally capturing images from your lives and preserving them in prints and files. YouShine photography goes further by making digitally captured images SHINE above the rest. We are committed to providing you with images you will cherish for a long time. We believe these images are the best investments that you will ever make.
Please take a moment or two away from your busy schedules to allow us to capture your image on file, canvas or print paper for your lifetime enjoyment and posterity.Call us at 510-583-1131 or e-mail richardyim@gmail.com to make your appointment.
Operating by APPOINTMENT ONLY basis.
This website created & maintained by Richard Yim
Copyrighted © 2002 YouShine Photography. Sponsor of www.newlifeforum.us
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